We've got a weight bench with a rack, an upright bike that Alan's parents gave us for Christmas, and the Xbox Kinect.
We spent most of the weekend in town this weekend since high speed Internet is necessary for a lot of work, but all work and no play is very bad for my health.
This afternoon we got back to the ranch with plenty of daylight left. It was a beautiful February 5th in Oklahoma.
Alan gave Stephanie and me a lesson in loading and firing the rifle. We also shot the new Ruger 357 which I like a lot better than the SR9. I was using 38 special rounds instead of 357, but I felt like I had so much more control than the 9MM.
Marissa wanted to be included so Alan set up a target for her to practice with the pellet gun.
Stephanie and I are looking forward to more practice with targets instead of just shooting into the field.
Finished off the day with my yoga practice from the Rodney Yee book I received for Christmas.

I'm so glad that you ladies are learning to use the rifle! And that you're getting good use of the yoga book : ) I've decided I'm going to start doing yoga before bed at night to help relax and unwind.