We've finally decided that the garage is to be called "the game room." Last week Alan and I installed foam padding for the gym floor. We bought 2 packs and realize we need 1 more. I can't believe I finally have my own home gym.
We've got a weight bench with a rack, an upright bike that Alan's parents gave us for Christmas, and the Xbox Kinect.
I love Just Dance 3 (which I bought myself for Christmas). Marissa and Stephanie play with me and we laugh so hard when we're not panting from the dance workout.
We spent most of the weekend in town this weekend since high speed Internet is necessary for a lot of work, but all work and no play is very bad for my health.
This afternoon we got back to the ranch with plenty of daylight left. It was a beautiful February 5th in Oklahoma.
Alan gave Stephanie and me a lesson in loading and firing the rifle. We also shot the new Ruger 357 which I like a lot better than the SR9. I was using 38 special rounds instead of 357, but I felt like I had so much more control than the 9MM.
Marissa wanted to be included so Alan set up a target for her to practice with the pellet gun.
Stephanie and I are looking forward to more practice with targets instead of just shooting into the field.
Finished off the day with my yoga practice from the Rodney Yee book I received for Christmas.
Sitting with my family watching the Super Bowl, I realize that while the afternoon's activities lasted only 2 1/2 hours, they made the weekend feel like a weekend. I look around the room and there are smiles on every face.