The recent bitter cold has shattered the pipes in the pump house so we've got the pump shut off for now. We're going to have to get someone here to help us. The wiring in the pump house is shoddy and with all of the trash left in there (old heaters, empty clorox bottles, misc trash) I'm not comfortable with Alan crawling around.

Up at the other pole, which is closer to the new garage, I wanted an outlet so we could start to use other equipment. It's kind of hard to work on any improvements (or even just camp for the weekend) without a place to plug in.
I called Bob Foster at Foster Electric, Heat, and Air in Chandler, OK. What a great guy. He came out and hooked up exactly what we needed and let us do most of the transaction through email.
Bob had some advice about our construction plans when I mentioned building a walk out basement. He said he's seen too many leaky basements in Lincoln County because of the red clay. I am a little disappointed to hear that since I'm set on having a walk out basement.